Browse Items (414 total)

CO_Catalogs_2003_Context_Contexto, SD_01_41.jpg
Catalog for a Charo Oquet Project, Context/Contexto, 2003. Catalog includes text by Antonio Zaya and Paula Gomez. The second page reads: It is at times like these, when art runs the risk of becoming a commodity and a luxury item subject to the whims…
Created by Charo Oquet on 2003

CO_Catalogs_2014_Third Space_ Front_01_98.jpg
Catalog for the exhibition, Third Space Inventing the Possible at Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami, September 25 – November 2, 2014.Third Space features over 23 artists. The eighth page reads: The History of Miami is still being written…
Created by Charo Oquet on 2014

CO_Catalogs_2018_ Arrayanos Interiors_Exteriors_01_111.jpg
Catalog for the exhibition, Charo Oquet Arrayanos—Interiors/Exteriors, 2018. Printed in Miami and Designed by Charo Oquet. The catalog features cover art and images by inter-disciplinary artist Charo Oquet, with essays by John Henry Drewal, Yolanda…
Created by Charo Oquet on 2018

CO_Catalogs_2018_ Arrayanos Portraits_01_119.jpg
Catalog titled, Arrayanos Portraits, printed in Miami, 2018. The third page reads: These portraits are not meant to be a portrait of all Haitians or of all Dominican Haitian but rather a way of highlighting a community of people who are the…
Created by Charo Oquet on 2018

CO_Catalogs_2018_ Arrayanos Zine_01_125.jpg
Arrayanos, a zine created by Oquet that depicts symbols imagery and ritual settings of the Arrayanos. The Arrayanos are people of mixed Dominican and Haitian descent.
Created by Charo Oquet on 2018

CO_Catalogs_Current Arrivals Front_01_58.jpg
Catalog for the exhibition, Current Arrivals at the Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Art, July 15 – August 10. The second page reads: The Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Art in its effort to maintain continuity in its commitment to be the first…
Created by Charo Oquet

CO_Book_Dominican Contemporary Artists_01_130.jpg
Catalog titled, Arte Contemporáneo Dominicano, 2002. The second page reads: Este libro se convierte en el segundo trayecto de un viaje que antes nos llevó hacia el Perú, que nos adentró en diversas manifestaciones del arte contemporáneo de ese país.…
Created by Charo Oquet on 2002

CO_Pamphlet_2002_Houses of the Spirit Front_01_33.jpg
Leaflet for the exhibition, Houses of the Spirit, at the Main Library in West Flagler, February 2 – March 30, 2002. The second page of the leaflet reads: The houses of the spirit are constructed with memories of family, references to ancestors,…
Created by Charo Oquet on 2002

CO_Pamphlet_2004_Arco Art Fair - J.Johnson Gallery, Oquet Front_01_49.jpg
Brochure titled, Oquet, published by J. Johnson Gallery. The third page reads: Charo put into play the old African enclave of Loiza, Puerto Rico. Oquet made use of objects found on site (pails and boards). Her monumental installation is outdoors,…
Created by Charo Oquet on 2002

CO_Pamphlet_New Zealand 34_01_93.jpg
Art New Zealand 34 Magazine. The front page reads: The Motorway Paintings of Robert Ellis, Rhona Haszard: A Painter of Twenties, Denis O’ Connor’s Songs of the Gulf, Ralph Hotere, Ray Thorburn, Charo Oquet, Andrew Bogle, and The Chelsea Project.
Created by Charo Oquet
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