Context/Contexto: Santo Domingo

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Catalog for a Charo Oquet Project, Context/Contexto, 2003. Catalog includes text by Antonio Zaya and Paula Gomez. The second page reads: It is at times like these, when art runs the risk of becoming a commodity and a luxury item subject to the whims of the market, that Context/Contexto defines itself as a challenge, by proposing to return art to its true function and to its real potential for analysis and criticism of the major issues that affect people today. Simultaneously, Context/Contexto, breaking with today’s usual art forums, proposed opening up new areas of involvement and openness within the social frame, without the need of transporting works or the public to traditional museum spaces, thus forcing a reassessment of artists’ values and rethinking of their social roles using the city as a frame for public debate. Artists participating include: Charo Oquet, Carlos Betancourt, Cesar Trasobares, Carlos de Villasante, Wendy Wischer, Mario Davalos, Pavel Lerebour, and Pascal Meccariello.


Copyright Charo Oquet
