Current Arrivals

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Catalog for the exhibition, Current Arrivals at the Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Art, July 15 – August 10. The second page reads: The Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Art in its effort to maintain continuity in its commitment to be the first showcase for works created by artists from Latin America as well as those of Hispanic origin residing in the United States introduces the new title for its summer selected group exhibition Current Arrivals. The exhibition, in essence, focuses on 26 artists whose perspectives admit no geographical boundaries and is reflective of their having arrived recently in the United States. Artists participating include: Esperanza Cortés, Jorge Anchondo, Guillermo Bert, Néstor Millan, Andrea Lobato Benchimol, Gorki Bollar, Eric Guttelewitz, Macduff Everton, René, Xavier Blum, Rafael de Romero, Katherine Estrella, Adolfo Sanchez, Julio Nazarlo, Enrique Flores-Galbis, Oscar César Mara, Angela Gago, Charo Oquet, Pepe Vives, Luis Delgado, Laura Anderson Barbata, Alfredo Navarrete P, Micaela Amato, Regina Vater, and José Luis Vargas.


Copyright Charo Oquet
