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CO_Catalogs_2002_Charo Oquet- Lo que Ve la Sirena_ Antonio Zaya_01_28.jpg
Catalog titled, Charo Oquet, was published in Lanzarote Spain, by Antonio Zaya in 2002. The table of content includes: Charo Oquet Lo que ve la Sirena (What the Mermaid Sees), El Arte de Charo Oquet (The Art of Charo Oquet), La búsqueda de lo propio…
Created by Charo Oquet on 2002

Loni 2.jpg
The pod or cocoon is a recurring theme in artist Loni Johnson's work.
Created by Loni Johnson on 2002

Storm - An interactive installation that responds to the escalating HIV epidemic
Created by Rosemarie Chiarlone on 2002
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